Interested in Captions That Express Your Love for Train Journeys?

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Looking for train travel captions for Instagram? As a train and train journey lover, I have the perfect list of train journey quotes for your social media posts that’ll capture the true essence of it all.

If you have a story to tell, my collection of train quotes is what you need.  Scroll through my collection of train sayings, train track quotes and happy train journey quotes, and use them with your clicks.

caption for train journey

103 Enthralling Train Track & Train Journey Quotes/ Captions

Train journeys are fascinating and so are the pictures. Here’s my list of delightful train journey quotes that can go perfectly with your train & train track pictures –

Waiting with hope for our fates to be intertwined like these train tracks.

Be it rain or sun, these tracks lay down still instilling hope.

Reminders of lost innocence and freedom from the carefree days of childhood.

Every step we took together on the tracks played a note making beautiful music that I will always remember deep down

Every time I see the tracks it’s a reminder to set my foundation strong and solid.

Wish our lives could be connected like these tracks.

Let me be your track. I promise you won’t stumble.

I have got your wheels. Hop on.

To walk on a rain-soaked track splashing droplets around is one of the little Joys of life.

The wild breeze and blaring sun, children skipping on the tracks, the distant sound of a mountain train- memories of summer.

Hold my hand and count to 10 because we have a long track to go.

Let’s run wild on those tracks letting our young hearts jump out in joy- Reliving life

When I saw the green flag flash from across the tracks, I knew my life was destined with you.

More than anything, the tracks taught me patience, resilience and power.

Every time the tracks intertwined, it reminded me of you.

In every solo trip I took, the tracks gave me hope and taught me to embrace life as such.

Let these tracks share my stories of adventures.

Let’s trace our good times back to the tracks – of misty morning hops, late evening chats and the sweet summer days.

Let’s race back on these tracks to revel in the merry school days and carefree Sundays.

The days I walked, lived and witnessed life around the tracks are the most beautiful days of my life.  

If you ever get lost, look for the tracks to guide you back to me, back to our love.

One must always be careful on the tracks and about the tracks they choose- I have watched the golden sun, the grass clothed in light, fireflies in the night as the tracks kept me company throughout my life.

With you as my track, I know my journey will be smooth.

Happy families always have a happy track story to share.

The tracks are the witnesses to stories of love, friendship, hatred and lives that crossed paths on them.

Maybe you have been searching for me on the wrong track.

As the land shudders the tracks lay still with every passing train, it is from them I learnt to stay calm even when dealing with avalanche situations.

Every mischievous sound train check on tracks says how much we bonded as siblings.

Tracks are the memory treasure books of so many lives, playing sweet notes and spreading nostalgic smells every time a page is turned. 

Train sounds, coffee on tracks, an old newspaper to shelter from rain, the familiar smell of freshly baked buns- Life has so much to look forward to. 

As the morning mists lifted, amidst the thick green cover, it flashed like a silver lining filling hearts with hope for a better day.

Tracks – They touch hearts, kindle emotions, bring old sparks to life and stir up a revolution inside. 

My backpack and train tracks have the power to take me to places I dare not go and I appreciate it.

For overworked shoulders, tired souls and heavy eyelids, tracks are a reason to be happy and to hope. 

Left my rain-soaked umbrella and love soaked heart on the track- For I hope one day you will return in search of them. 

You are the train that I always wait for silently with hope.

I can wait forever as long as it’s on the right track.

Life moves on the tracks silently with every journey one takes, with every destination and with every decision. 

Life comes a full circle when one gets back to the tracks they always wanted to be in.

You and me, the blue moon and silvery tracks, a warm light shade and the cricket songs – Love letters.

The tracks are adorned with fall leaves, painting a rustic charm, I have my white gown on, will you come my darling to create stories of endless love?

Downtown or upstate, no matter where it is, these tracks pull me like a magnet, drowning me in its old-world charm and doesn’t let me leave without goodbyes. 

Thanks to the rains that poured last night, these misty mornings uncover the silvery tracks adorned with dewdrop diamonds, slowly letting me know that life can be unpredictably beautiful at times.

The dark clouds are closing in and the last signals are turned off, the night falls on the lonely tracks only for love to be found by young hearts. 

Tracks have the power to transform anything you put on it into a powerful picture.

 Let’s follow the old trails, uncover the vines and get lost in the mysteries of the past.

Standing before a level crossing has its own perks, to view, to choose and to move are some of them and the same goes for life.

Caught in a crossing, neither here, nor there, I hope the tracks can lead me on.

Wooden tracks, fall trees, full moon and the lit lamps – Living the yesteryear life.

Somewhere between the rustic tracks and the green moss I see myself tracing back to the faint sounds of the past, the glasses clinking and the toasts made all vanishing into thin air.

Trains have the magical power to take people to paradise.

How something as simple as a train journey can fill you with sheer thrill and let your heart race is always a mystery.

Watching the summer day melting into the evening through this window as the pink sky colours the clouds, makes me embrace life and to live every moment.

Waltzing through the mountain tunnels the train romanced the ethereal beauty blowing warm kisses on a silvery night.

The colors of nature splashed all around me, taking advantage of my lonely train journey, tempting me to turn open the far away pages making me long for adventures.

The longer the journey, the more I immerse myself in the sights of golden skies and orange clouds. Lost in wonder, they cast a magical spell on me.

Somehow train journeys become a missing puzzle piece that my life needs at the moment,  revealing what I need to know to go on.

Train journeys are reminders to live life at the moment,  wild, creative, fearless, fierce and curious. 

Some of the best connections are always made in trains.

When you are on a train journey,  the world becomes your muse, your creativity gets that nothingness to let it flow and in a while you see a plethora of nameless feelings stir inside you to make a masterpiece.

In simple words, train journeys make you fall in love with yourself,  daring you to dream and to dance with it.

Watch the sun go by the sunflower fields, the moon romancing over the waters and give yourself the permission to wander, to dream, to dance and to wake up to bliss.

As the train takes its course, let your spirits soar as you seek out the beauty around, making every moment of this solitude count, painting vivid memories for life.

As the golden hour light bathed the fields, I dream of dreams beyond boundaries and the train horns reminding me to dream until it becomes a reality.

Surprise and delight dropped in every frame as the train plunged through, pricking my curiosity, reminding me to shake away and to tread ahead.

Trains bring out new dreams in old souls, inking their black and white walls with hues of bright colors and soft pastels,  nudging to live the moment and to relax for a refreshing start.

This noisy lullaby and wiggly rocking are the best sleeping pills I have ever known.

You make my journeys limitless,  my sceneries beautiful and when you hold my hand, let this train lull us to a deep dream where love runs wild and free.

The train’s distinct sounds filled the heavy air as the cold rains splashed through the windows. Another journey,  another dream yet feels new every time.

What fascinates me the most in a train  journey is how different people with different interests come together, share the same journey and stories, each leading to new reflections.

Train journeys let you see life in different  colors and different lenses. 

Train adventures are my way of telling myself to embrace the wonder child within and to never think it’s too late to start a new dream.

If you ever travel with your love on a train, never miss to lean on, read together, share a blanket, laugh out loud and to watch one sleep.

Take my hands, let me tell you stories that provide respite from the heavy mundane life, let’s look through the window for a shooting star or a few drops and make this time sweet.

Every sight pulled a stray key in my heart, creating music and memories that I will remember for a lifetime.

Join me, let’s take refuge in this breathtaking beauty,  leaving all trails of sadness in the tracks and walk towards the hope nature fills us with.

Train journeys made me alert, smart, curious, punctual and of course a hopeless romantic.

Those packed home foods and fellow travelling happy families are my weakness in train journeys. I don’t mind though. 

Pass it on the winds and spread it in the clouds, the girl is back, chasing her dreams like the trains to the wilderness. 

Of all the experiences that life offers, train travels are one of the best because they connect you so close with life itself.

Trains, they let you escape only to be caught- Be it in wonder or worry depends upon how you choose it.

Trains have the distinct ability to detach you from everything else and connect you to what you need to see.

Trains give you an all pass ticket to freely learn and experience the culture, perspectives and lives of people beyond borders.

Life moves at lightning speed and trains teach you to appreciate it.

Creating familiarity with unfamiliar faces and conversations that run for hours is a trait that train journeys can teach you- If you love people and stories, it is the place to be.

The joy and excitement in little voices echo through the air as the train runs through the dark tunnels, maybe it’s a reminder to hold on, enjoy this phase and let the light engulf you.

My favourite childhood memories are of train sounds, window seat snacks, nature’s warmth and excitement to see what lies ahead from a train cabin. 

Another dawn breaks filling everything with life, another day, another story, I wonder what would mine be.

Looking for what foods are available at train stops has become my favorite game because it’s fun, fills your senses with warmth and it lets you learn new things about the place.

A train journey isn’t only about the hours you spend in a train but its impact stays with you throughout and touches your soul in a special way.

Behind the blue mountains on a misty morning, the retro colors painted the station as the lights flashed through when the train reached. A part of me has never been back from there.

The chill breeze touches the soul as the green canopy sways above, a moment of bliss caught as a blurry image forever.

Dusk wraps up a beautiful day in a blanket of grey letting one to look at the glass windows to reflect. The ride is long, so are the thoughts. 

I wonder what a beautiful sight it would be in the minds of the kids who see the magic of nature unfolding in front of their eyes from a glass window. 

The tall old trees anticipate its arrival as they blush and sway when the train whistles. The romance goes on as they fill the jungle with their earthly aroma.

Every time I peep out to see how long the coaches are, it reminds me that life goes on despite anything and you must give your best.

The magnificence of a train stands out anywhere and I like it best amidst a green oasis with the blue backlights. 

Maybe the train travels are a  journey through light or through time but to me it is always mostly a journey within me.

On a train journey you are never a stranger nor alone. 

Riding with the light riders.

I hope you liked my train journey quotes. I would love to know your thoughts, so feel free to drop a comment in the section down below.


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