Want to Share The Story Of You Subway Ride With a Picture?

traveller Budget Wayfarers

Love clicking pictures on your subway ride? Here are some metro captions that aptly capture the mood, vibe and stories of metro/ subway journeys.

I am sharing below a collection of some riveting subway captions for Instagram pictures. These will also work quite well   as railway captions for Instagram as well.

Subway Metro Captions for Instagram

99 Fascinating Subway/ Metro Captions for Instagram 

If you are someone like me who takes the metro quite often, you know the ride makes for some lovely clicks. So, here are some metro or railway captions for Instagram that can be used along with your intriguing pictures –

Caught in a glimpse and lost as a shadow – looking for you amidst the blurry metro train lights.

Every time I look at the map in the metro I always search for your station though in vain.

My biggest entertainment is not on my phone or on TV but right here in the metro rides, I take.

What happens in a metro? Life or at least menu planning for the next day.

A random boss, a strict teacher, a love soaked boyfriend and a bossy wife are the ever playing characters in the metro stories.

Today was a busy day but as long as I’m inside the metro, I have time to be still.

Watching nature comes to life through the glasses of metro is a thrill, never to be missed.

When a metro crosses borders I know, life can be easy. 

The rustic city charm, empty cabins, occasional beeps and the speeding lights – Life comes to a still but I go on in a metro.

Infinite eyes, a million words, a potpourri of vibes – Metro can never be boring.

I haven’t seen anything stronger than a women’s compartment in a metro, it is powerful, phenomenal and brutally beautiful.

If you want to learn about life, know people,  understand relationships, take the metro.

The bigger conferences on nations always happen in a metro, because the majority speaks.

Some save a seat, some save a day and some save a life- Metro rides.

Let’s walk together through these tunnels and listen to the stories, looking for light above. 

 I packed my dreams in a suitcase and threw myself into the metro, figuring out life one stop at a time.

I see the light, waiting with hope for the doors to open and it happened.

Hope, the long waits and endless sighs- black and white portraits of late night metro rides. 

In the silence of these cabins, one can hear the soft sobs, sad goodbyes and cracks of broken hearts.

Inside the vast walls of the station, the sound of time keeps ticking away, loading and passing one dream after another all in a metro.

Watch the sun go by the bustling markets, the moon romancing over the tall bridges from a metro because life is too short to sleep.

Let love be your token to open the gates of life. Enjoy the ride no matter how dark or bright it gets.

The vintage lights kept twinkling as the fear gripped like the mist covering the glass windows, in a moment of utmost darkness, a golden streak of light shined from afar – Metro diaries.

When all the rides are over, the giant takes a break, only to come back stronger- A still metro.

The still corridors, stopped elevators and silent tracks, now the table turns and the gossip begins.

Metro rides- A sweet lullaby for babies, a rocking cradle for tired bodies and aching souls.

Let’s sit by the window and watch the rain wet the grasslands, fall in love a little and let the sparks fly as the metro plunges through the air.

A corner seat, a book to read and chocolate is all I need in a metro.

If you want to know how a city is built, how its people live,  to see the tall towers touch the clouds and to awe at the man-made wonders- take a metro.

Never ending steps, ever growing stops, that’s when life makes you think, Did you take the right metro?

Living for the light streak moments.

Life can be so pleasant at times, if you don’t believe me, listen to the songs in the subway.

Far from the cries of tiring mundane life, an artsy escape into the underground. 

Every morning I walk into the metro station. I look up at the grandeur of art work on the ceiling and say to myself that my problems are smaller than that.

When the sun rays fall on my face, take a pretty picture of mine to remind me of the day we had on the metro.

Once we cross over this line our paths may never intersect but remember once it did and it was beautiful.

The colour of hope, sunshine and bright smiles – Metro in yellow 

Save me a seat by the window, let’s relive the history as we pass through the old towns and stories.

The best light and best space lies somewhere in between the subway walls.

Somewhere beyond time and space our paths crossed when we stepped in the same metro. 

The sense of achievement before and after boarding a metro is something I live for. 

As the trains sped and lights flashed I stood there like a stone not knowing where to go, what to do and that’s when the bell rang.

Metro is made of spaces that let you dream, love and hope. I imagine mine to be filled with clouds and magical dust.

Signs are everywhere but nothing can make you believe it as a metro does.

What thrill does a metro have more than to fill you with excitement and make you feel supreme riding through the folds of time and space beyond the power we possess. 

Look for lessons in the subway corners and wait for benches if you want to learn life.

Come back to see me waiting for you here where the tracks intersect.

The walls of our subways are splashed with pains of the tired souls but a metro can always heal.

To the infinite muses these walls hosted, what was your story?

The grand old clock ticks away as the signals change, it’s now or never. 

Subways are symbols of hope, of new beginnings and new journeys.

Amidst these black and white walls a sense of calmness exists to tell you, life will go on.

When the lights flashed and trains sped past, it was you that caught my eyes and ever since I have never let you go.

The shadows of subways dance softly as the night engulfs it and the receding footsteps become its music- Nightfall.

Even in the busiest of hours, subways are always the place where the quietest reflections happen for someone.

Even if I forget everything about my life, I would never forget the time I sat in a subway waiting for a miracle and then you walked in.

A fast-beating heart, whispers of worries, screams of excitement, turning pages and silent sobs are sounds you can hear in a subway if you listen closer. 

As the first sunlight touched the subway halls, it warmed my heart and illuminated my spirit with beacons of hope for a better day ahead.

Once night begins, the subway becomes a party floor of lost dances and missed chances. 

I wish that the subway could tell you that I was waiting for you. 

Subways are silent keepers of feelings never confessed, of letters never read, of regrets never compromised and of amends never made.

Every problem in life definitely has a subway out, if you know to look out in the right place.

I don’t know about a magical staircase to paradise but I always felt the stairs leading to the subway are quite magical. 

Amidst the million sounds in these subway halls yours is the most distinct.

The thudding sounds of the trains coupled with anxious moments and heavy sighs paints the portraits of life in a subway. 

On a quiet day, if you look for me in a subway, you will find the fragments of my soul I left waiting for you every day.

May the songs of our friendship sync with the sounds of these subway halls and sing a symphony forever.

Subways can teach you how fast life flies and how much a moment is worth. 

When the night falls the subway walls resonate mysteries of heavy hearts as the whispers stop, I wonder how mine would sound.

The tunnels seem long and dark but with a promise of light at the end – subway reflections.

An abode of peace remains in the underground far from the chaos above.

A song to listen to, a wall to lean on, a roof to cover- when subways are home.

I packed my sunshine in a pocket and let it illuminate in the subway.

For so many reasons, subways have always been a place that can leave its mark on your life forever. I am experiencing my reason now.

The subway has seen it all.

Where there is a will, there is always a subway.

Subway sounds, rain sights, coffee scenes and bake smells – Life’s good.

Let the subway be your starting point for a new life.

To have a moment in the subway is to close your eyes amidst all the chaos and still be able to connect with your purpose be it for the day or for life.

Sometimes I think of a subway like a womb with endless possibilities and ways out.

If you ever feel alone, visit a subway. Its stories will enthrall your mind. 

Subways just let people be the way they want to be – that’s the beauty of it.

Both life and the subway gives you choices and states the facts, it is up to you to make a choice.

May the walls of these subway tunnels resonate the shrill in our excitement always.

Let the rains pour and thunders pass, I have my book, headphones and subway.

The subway stairs are calling me, I have to go for life is an adventure and I know not what awaits.

Hide and seek is best played in a subway. 

The secret keepers of bygone years, of youth, passion and dreams chased.

Summer nights, subway rides and solitude.

Fading lights, receding steps, faint sounds – Melting away in the silence of the subway with the waning moon. 

Feel the rage in the air, the power beneath your feet and the strength that surrounds you like in a subway.

Let me share a coat with you on a cold night, waiting for a train, reading together the stories in each other’s eyes on a subway station. 

With every step, I see the light, the sparks of sun rays colouring the morning sky, the crisp smell of hope and signs for a fresh start.

Amidst the hues of black, blue and yellow I melt away as a grey cloud, one step at a time until the trains bring me back home.

Lost in the light play, watching hours go by in a blink, feet resisting to move, I wait here with hopes, seeing my dreams shattered and fly by the wind yet for another train. 

The retro vibes hit hard as the magnificence of the station radiates bringing in memories of the sweetest past in the subway.

When everything sped past she stood there, frozen at the moment, illuminating my subway corner and my heart beyond time and space. 

Time, the most sought commodity in the subway markets, Never abundant and never enough.

In the brutal race of running against time, subways are the pleasant breeze that comes like a breath of fresh air, sometimes with hope and sometimes with choices.

I hope you liked my collection of metro captions. Use them with your picture or videos or Instagram and see the journey coming alive.


Budget Wayfarers

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