From Cousins to Travel Buddies: Fuel Your Next Trip with These Quotes

traveller Akilandeswari

Catching up with your cousins is the most exciting feeling ever, posting them is another. So, you obviously need some good cousins trip quotes as an enhancer, don’t you?

Not to worry when I am right here with 155 travel with cousins quotes. Come, let’s get started!

Cousins trip quotes

155 Cousins Trip Quotes for an Unforgettable Family Getaway

Let’s get riding through these trip with cousins quotes. I am so excited!





Travel devoted!


Hearty party!


Die-hard wanderers for generations!


Travelling since we were nail-biting!


Travel soaked; never choked!


Owing our lives!


In the dark, we explore the rocks, and I bark to send these crazy creatures into shock!


When life knocks, you shun the clock, and get along with your flock!


Never mind the frogs’ croak, our insides are already invoked!


Building hopes and expanding our life scope!


Cousins who crack jokes are close!


We spoke and spoke and spoke, and never realised when we got off our boats!


We love to travel the most, can you suggest some quotes?


Together we form a rope, wandering around with hopes!


All grin; and the fun begins!


Kentucky, get ready, for wild buddies!


Sipping the drink and starting our trip with a kick!


Strung by travel wings, the happiness brings!


Let’s swim, and relive our olden days as kids!


Enjoying the winds, fluttering our wings!


If you ask what is between us, happy to let you know that we are cousins, who have immense love for travel and local cuisines, so we became its’ volunteers!


Dear mommies, don’t call us kids, we are all ready to travel the hills!


From being dears, we are now here, setting up our travel sphere!


Cheers, we are always queer!


 We are near and dear, this is how we spend our time every year!


Our travel tale is about to spin, let the joy begin!


All grin, because it is a beautiful place to check in!


Don’t mind the din, that is the power of kith and kin!


Relishing some gin, with my kin!


Someone said, “You are all akin to one another”, I said, “Wonder not, we are kin!”


Don’t mind our dirty shin, we are playful kin!


Dear kin, we are each other’s win!


We are kin, all ready to tan our skin!


Tapping within, along with my kin!


Look at us gobbling down the delicious food, you see we are all related not just by blood!


With my tribe, it truly is a vibe!


Since we are alive, we decided to make the best of our lifetime!


Allies, all ready to explore the heights!


We chucked out our mommies’ advice and are now all set to scale the mountains!


When our family drives us in fear, we get dearer to each other, and make ourselves stronger!


From dancing to the stereos to recording videos, this city has got its new kiddos!


We are a family committee who travel from city to city!


The weather was humid and we got stupid!


We were so polluted, this trip got us completely rooted!


The climate is humid, so we are sipping on some fluids!


Our family is full of humour, you relax drinking hot coffee in summer!


Dashing through the highway is definitely worth the wait!


Sighting waterfalls, when we receive umpteen home calls!


Soaked in this weather so foggy, and enjoying our favourite filter coffee!


We whoop, enjoying ice cream scoops!


At traffic stops, we grow wary of the cops!


Together we are here to savour the glacier!


Spellbound by nature, we are on the lookout for its creator!


We are keen, that is what got us off the routine!


We are teens, experiencing the serene!


Turning eighteen, celebrations with my cousins!


Jean and Celine love green, so I got it captured on my screen!


Once we get together, we are strongly tethered!


No more missings, time to start chilling!


Posing at pit stops, before we reach the hilltop!


I am scouring my bag for socks, while these people are chilling through gift shops!


Whenever we combine, we go on cloud nine!


We are full of bustle, you see we are cousins!


We are a dozen and we create a lot of trouble!


Summer is the season for cousins!


We don’t commit sins, we are just a group of joyful cousins!


We are young, and we have a lengthy tongue!


By birth, we are strung, by travel, we cling!


Unsung tales of our lives!


We are here to announce something major, cousins on mission nature!


Travel players, who do each other a favour!


We are relatives, who are together to give you our travel narratives!


Relatives, who do travel initiatives, because it is imperative!


Parachuting with my blood group!


We planned an adventure casually, and it is just unfolding naturally, is this truly our current reality?


Our parents thought we were going to strike a tragedy, but look at us posing our insanity, you see this is our reality!


We are from a family that doesn’t dream but lives the fantasy!


Happy puppies, enjoying the sea!


Happy puppies, with fulfilled tummies!


You see we basically are plucky, so we got travel lucky!


Save money, pack honey, and get off with your blood buddies!


Look at us, buddies, happily muddy!


Mummy, together we used to study, now please let us relax and roam, because it is Sunny!


Our endless talks, fill the hills!


Thrilled, can you make it out from the still?


Holding hands, since childhood!


Generating travel armies, thank you, mommies!


Mommies, shall we make travel our careers?


We don’t watch dramatic films, but we do create travel films!


Let us know if you are planning an adventure, we would love to volunteer!


Folks, we love creating travel docs!


We come from a family that marvels and breathes travel!


Travel brings us happy tears, and snaps the wings of our fears!


Come Spring, we are once again planning to set off our travel wings, and this one was taken last Spring!


Hills that have seen us live!


Cousins with a will, to transverse the hills!


We let the travel grill, so we actually live!


Thrilled, we are sure you don’t hear our voices so shrill!


Cousins are even more intense than the tides because we vibe!


For now, forgetting the bills, and climbing the hills!


From sharing tears to fears, the adult-turned-kids are here to expand the travel sphere!


Folks, we will never be broke, because travel is our forte!


Posing from different boats, joy overdose!


We took an oath to forever float and drink oats!


From being brothers and sisters to wanderers, we are right here founding a business for wanderers!


Welcome to Cousins club, travel is our hub!


Chilling in the tub, with my club!


It is foggy and we are sipping our coffee!


Hi, we are cousins-cum-buddies, travelling is our hobby, so yes, we just emptied our trolleys!


Our hearts robs, O travel, please save us from losing our jobs!


Celebrating our thirties, in Turkey!


Our hairs are curly, look at them dancing with the flurry!


No hurry, no worry, look at nature’s mercy, we are all feeling birdy!


A Journey, that has got not just me, but likes of me, who are sadly mad unlike me!


Life gets better, whenever we get together!


We are the famous five, whose energy is always high!


Memories that send melodies are truly our source of inner remedies!


 If the hills were to treasure our memories, they would create caves describing our travel diaries!


We are fourteen, with a routine, who experience the feeling of being serene, in between the greens!


We have the same gene, so we are travel-keen!


Getting onto the shoes, excited for the beautiful mountain views!


Caffeine we relish sighting the divine!


Biting the cheese, and freezing in the chilly breeze!


Dear nature, when we drain again, we will see you again!


United by blood, enlightened by travel!


Guides by our sides, look at our fears hide!


Guys, we are a mine of vibe, sorry, we don’t have the habit of taking pride!


We are a tribe that turns wise with travel vibes!


Whenever we think, we are in sync!


Drink and wink, we wonder how travel links!


Clink, let’s enjoy our drink!


We owe a lot to these roads that helped our lives slow!


No matter how old we grow, each other will hold, and traverse the cold!


Our hearts are already sold, nature is our only abode!


On roads, we dig gold, and give away our nagging load!


Tremors have diffused, come let’s start to muse!


We have taken charge, so we are seeing our lives at large!


Wearing scarves, beating the weather so harsh!


We don’t need an alarm when we live on farms!


No itinerary, we are a family that runs a wanderers’ missionary!


Growing warmer, for the winter!


We are not quitters, we are life researchers!


Brother, we are here to take our lives further!


Cousins cum friends, setting a trend!


When cousins blend, they become friends!


Dear Men & Women, our family’s madness has no end!


Gems, growing together with the winds!


Eleven months of tech, one month of a trek, that’s how we keep our sanity in check!


Time for frost, chilling in the resort!


Support us if you think travelling is a sport!


We halt to inform our aunts!


Whenever we backpack, our parents keep track!


Travel army ready for the climbing party!


I hope you liked my trip with cousins quotes. Let me know which one captured your heart the most in the comments below!


Trip With Friends Captions

Happy wayfaring 🙂


Akilandeswari Sivaramakrishnan

Akila is an emerging Travel Enthusiast based out of India. She is a dedicated Content Creator. Also, a beautiful Creative Writer. She is also the Founder of a professional blogging enterprise that goes by the name – Sane Bites.